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Molecular information processing in nonequilibrium copolymerizations,
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Stochastic approach and fluctuation theorem for ion transport,
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Fluctuation theorem for currents in open quantum systems,
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Fractality of the nonequilibrium stationary states of open volume-preserving systems. I. Tagged particle diffusion,
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A new paradigm of crystallization arising from non-standard nucleation pathway,
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Density fuctional calculations of chemical shielding of backbone 15N in helical residues of protein G,
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Noise-induced escape from bifurcating attractors: Symplectic approach in the weak-noise limit,
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La chimie non-linéaire: acquis et promesses,
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Transport in molecular states language: Generalized quantum master equation approach,
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Universality of efficiency at maximum power,
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Nonequilibrium fluctuations, fluctuation theorems, and counting statistics in quantum systems,
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Heat transport in stochastic energy exchange models of locally confined hard spheres,
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Calculation of semiclassical free energy differences along nonequilibrium classical trajectories,
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Non-Abelian Optical Lattices: Anomalous Quantum Hall Effect and Dirac Fermions,
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Dependence of the liquid-vapor surface tension on the range of interaction: A test of the law of corresponding states,
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Pulse propagation in decorated granular chains: An analytical approach,
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Nonequilibrium Fock space for the electron transport problem,
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Is the Tsallis entropy stable?
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Nanometric Chemical Clocks,
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Oscillations and bistability in the catalytic formation of water on rhodium in high electric fields,
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Equality governing nonequilibrium fluctuations and its information theory and thermodynamic interpretations,
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Reaching optimal efficiencies using nano-sized photo-electric devices,
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Interaction between silver nanowires and CO on a stepped platinum surface,
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