Solvay Workshop on "Nonequilibrium and nonlinear phenomena in statistical mechanics, Satellite Meeting of STATPHYS 26", 11-13 July 2016, International Solvay Institutes, Brussels, J. Danckaert (VUB), P. Gaspard (ULB), J. Indekeu (KUL) & C. Van den Broeck (UHasselt) (Organizing Committee).
Solvay Workshop "Bridging the gaps at the PCB interface: Multiscale modelling in physics, chemistry and biology", 19-21 April 2016, International Solvay Institutes, Brussels, J. P. Boon (ULB), P. V. Coveney (UCL, UK), P. Gaspard (ULB) & S. Succi (CNR, Rome) (Organising and Scientific Committee).
Solvay Workshop on "Quantum Simulation with Cold Matter and Photons", 8-11 February 2016, International Solvay Institutes, Brussels, N. Goldman & P. Gaspard (Organizing Committee).
Solvay Workshop on "Thermodynamics of Small Systems", 2-4 December 2013, International Solvay Institutes & Interdisciplinary Center for Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems of ULB, Brussels, P. Gaspard & C. Van den Broeck.
EuroSciPy 2013 : 6th European meeting on Python in Science, August 21-24 2013, Université libre de Bruxelles, P. de Buyl & N. Pettiaux.
ECCS 2012 : The European Conference on Complex Systems 2012, September 3-7 2012, Université Libre de Bruxelles, T. Gilbert.
EuroSciPy 2012 : 5th European meeting on Python in Science, August 23-27 2012, Université libre de Bruxelles, P. de Buyl & D. Pinte (Enthought).
Workshop "Quantum Transport in Nanoscale Molecular Systems", August 1-5, 2011, Telluride Science Research Center, Colorado, D. Kosov & M. Thoss.
Workshop "Thermodynamics: Can macro learn from nano", May 22-25, 2011, Sweden, M. Esposito, Jonas Johansson, Heiner Linke, Jukka Pekola & Kirk Yerkes
Workshop "Chaotic and Transport Properties of Higher-Dimensional Dynamical Systems", January 17-February 4, 2011, Mexico, P. Gaspard & T. Gilbert.
Workshop «Non-equilibrium quantum many-particle correlated systems», October 04-09, 2010, Stellenbosch, South Africa (Co-chair: D. Kosov).
BIG-STEP (Business, Industry and Government - Science and new Technologies for Enhancing Policy)
Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Brussels, April 14th-15th, 2010
Organized by GSD, in collaboration with ASSYST and Complexity NET.
Workshop on "Kinetics and thermodynamics of multistep nucleation and self-assembly in nanosize materials", March 25-26, 2010, Brussels, G. Nicolis & D. Maes.
«Understanding and exploiting complexity at the nanoscale», January 21-22, 2010, ULB, M. Esposito.
« Quantum Transport in Nanoscale Molecular Systems », July 27-31, 2009, Telluride Science Research Center, Colorado, D. Kosov & M. Thoss.
« Optimization at a small scale », July 20-21, 2009, La Jolla, Univ. California San Diego, M. Esposito, M. Galperin, K. Lindenberg & C. Van den Broeck.
« Interdisciplinary Challenges for Complexity Science », Brokerage Event of « Complexity-Net », May 28-29, 2009, Brussels, T. Gilbert & E. Gérard.
Annual meeting of IAP project « NOSY », April 22, 2009, ULB, T. Gilbert.
Network meeting of IAP project « NOSY », March 12, 2009, Palais des Académies, Brussels, T. Gilbert.
FRS-FNRS contact group « Nonlinear phenomena, complex systems and statistical mechanics », December 3, 2008, ULB, P. Gaspard & A. De Wit.
FRS-FNRS Graduate School Meeting « Nonlinear phenomena, complex systems and statistical mechanics », May 22-23, 2008, ULB, P. Gaspard.
Francqui Symposium « Complex Systems : A Fundamental Science Perspective », September 3-6, 2008, Brussels, P. Gaspard.
« Complexity and Statistical Mechanics », March 17-18, 2008, Academia Belgica with Francqui Foundation, Roma, Italy, P. Gaspard.
FRS-FNRS Graduate School Meeting « Nonlinear phenomena, complex systems and statistical mechanics », December 15, 2006, ULB, P. Gaspard, A. De Wit & M. Ausloos.
International conference ``Work, Dissipation, and Fluctuations in Nonequilibrium Physics », March 22-25, 2006, ULB, Solvay Institutes & Center for Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems, P. Gaspard & C. Van den Broeck.
XXth Solvay Conference on Chemistry: ``Photochemistry: Chemical reactions and their control on the femtosecond time scale", November 28 - December 2, 1995, Brussels, P. Gaspard (Chairman).