Microreversibility, nonequilibrium response, and Euler's polynomials,
M. Barbier and P. Gaspard, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53, 145002 (2020).

Microreversibility and the statistics of currents in quantum transport,
M. Barbier and P. Gaspard, Phys. Rev. E 102, 022141 (2020).

Bose-Hubbard physics in synthetic dimensions from interaction Trotterization,
L. Barbiero, L. Chomaz, S. Nascimbene, and N. Goldman, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043340 (2020).

Grégoire Nicolis, of the Founders of Complexity Science : A Recollection,
V. Basios and S. Nicolis, Nonlin. Phenom. in Complex Systems 23, 102 (2020).

Non-Abelian Bloch oscillations in higher-order topological insulators,
M. Di Liberto, N. Goldman, and G. Palumbo, Nature Communications 11, 5942 (2020);
Editors' Highlights [link].

Template-directed growth of copolymers,
P. Gaspard, Chaos 30, 043114 (2020).

Stochastic approach to entropy production in chemical chaos,
P. Gaspard, Chaos 30, 113103 (2020).

Microreversibility and driven Brownian motion with hydrodynamic long-time correlations,
P. Gaspard, Physica A 552, 121823 (2020).

Active Matter, Microreversibility, and Thermodynamics,
P. Gaspard and R. Kapral, Research, article ID 9739231 (2020).

Counting statistics and microreversibility in stochastic models of transistors,
J. Gu and P. Gaspard, J. Stat. Mech. 103206 (2020).

Self-assembly of finite-sized colloidal aggregates,
P. K. Jana and B. M. Mognetti, Soft Matter 16, 5915 (2020).

The dynamics of diffusiophoretic motors,
R. Kapral and P. Gaspard, in: G. Gompper et al.,
The 2020 motile active matter roadmap
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 193001 (2020) pp. 34-36.

Adaptable DNA interactions regulate surface triggered self-assembly,
R. Lanfranco, P.K. Jana, G. Bruylants, P. Cicuta, B. M. Mognetti, and L. Di Michele, Nanoscale 12, 18616-18620 (2020).

Disorderless Quasi-Localization of Polar Gases in One-Dimensional Lattices,
W. Li, A. Dhar, X. Deng, K. Kasamatsu, L. Barbiero, and L. Santos, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 010404 (2020).

Long-wavelength density fluctuations as nucleation precursors,
J. F. Lutsko and J. Lam, Phys. Rev. E 101, 052122 (2020).

Antagonistic cooperativity between crystal growth modifiers,
W. Ma, J. F. Lutsko, J. D. Rimer, and P. G. Vekilov, Nature 577, 497 (2020).

Microscopic approach to the macrodynamics of matter with broken symmetries,
J. Mabillard and P. Gaspard, J. Stat. Mech. 103203 (2020).

Molecular Viewpoint on the Crystal Growth Dynamics Driven by Solution Flow,
D. Maes and J. F. Lutsko, Crystal Growth & Design 20, 2294 (2020).

Detecting chiral pairing and topological superfluidity using circular dichroism,
Y. J. M. Midtgaard, Zhigang Wu, N. Goldman, and G. M. Bruun, µPhys. Rev. Research 2, 033385 (2020).

Homogeneous and domain-wall topological Hall conductors with dressed Rydberg atoms,
A. Montorsi, S. Fazzini, and L. Barbiero, Phys. Rev. A 101, 043618 (2020).

From topological to topologically massive gravity through the gauge principle,
G. Palumbo, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 135, 142 (2020).

Fermion-fermion duality in 3+1 dimensions,
G. Palumbo, Ann. Phys. 419, 168240 (2020).

Fractional Chern insulators of few bosons in a box: Hall plateaus from center-of-mass drifts and density profiles,
C. Repellin, J. Léonard, and N. Goldman, Phys. Rev. A 102, 063316 (2020).

Molecular theory of Langevin dynamics for active self-diffusiophoretic colloids,
B. Robertson, J. Schofield, P. Gaspard and R. Kapral, J. Chem. Phys. 153, 124104 (2020).

Floquet-engineering of nodal rings and nodal spheres and their characterization using the quantum metric,
G. Salerno, N. Goldman, and G. Palumbo, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013224 (2020).

Interaction-induced lattices for bound states: Designing flat bands, quantized pumps and higher-order topological insulators for doublons,
G. Salerno, G. Palumbo, N. Goldman, and M. Di Liberto, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013348 (2020).

Influence of Shear on Protein Crystallization under Constant Shear Conditions,
S. Stroobants, M. Callewaert, M. Krzek, S. Chinnu, P. Gelin, I. Ziemecka, J. F. Lutsko, W. De Malsche, and D. Maes, Crystal Growth & Design 20, 1876 (2020).

Parametric Instabilities of Interacting Bosons in Periodically Driven 1D Optical Lattices,
K. Wintersperger, M. Bukov, J. Näger, S. Lellouch, E. Demler, U. Schneider, I. Bloch, N. Goldman, and M. Aidelsburger, Phys. Rev. X 10, 011030 (2020).

Realization of an anomalous Floquet topological system with ultracold atoms,
K. Wintersperger, C. Braun, F. N. Ünal, A. Eckardt, M. Di Liberto, N. Goldman, I. Bloch, and M. Aidelsburger, Nature Physics 16, 1058-1063 (2020);
News and Views ("Driving toward hot new phases") by Mark S. Rudner [link].

Experimental measurement of the quantum geometric tensor using coupled qubits in diamond,
M. Yu, P. Yang, M. Gong, Q. Cao, Q. Lu, S. Zhang, M. B. Plenio, F. Jelezko, T. Ozawa, N. Goldman, and J. Cai, Natural Science Review 7, 254 (2020).

Four-dimensional semimetals with tensor monopoles: From surface states to topological responses,
Yan-Qing Zhu, N. Goldman, and G. Palumbo, Phys. Rev. B 102, 081109(R) (2020).