Mobile Linkers on DNA-Coated Colloids: Valency without Patches,
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Design of laser-coupled honeycomb optical lattices supporting Chen insulators,
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Synthetic gauge fields in synthetic dimensions,
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Machta-Zwanzig regime of anomalous diffusion in infinite-horizon billiards,
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Measuring logarithmic corrections to normal diffusion in infinite-horizon billiards,
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Transport properties of Lévy walks: An analysis in terms of multistate processes,
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Efficient algorithm to compute the Berry conductivity,
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A new configurational bias scheme for sampling supramolecular structures,
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Effect of inert tails on the thermodynamics of DNA hybridization,
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Superselective targeting using multivalent polymers,
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Quantum chaotic scattering,
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Signatures of classical bifurcations in the quantum scattering resonances of dissociating molecules,
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Random paths and current fluctuations in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics,
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Kinetics and thermodynamics of first-order Markov chain copolymerization,
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Periodically-driven quantum systems: Effective Hamiltonians and engineered gauge fields,
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Light-induced gauge fields for ultra cold atoms,
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Isometric fluctuation relations for equilibrium states with broken symmetry,
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Crystal Growth Cessation Revisited: The Physical Basis of Step Pinning,
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Designing stimulus-sensitive colloidal walkers,
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Dynamical responses to time-dependent control parameters in the presence of noise: A normal form approach,
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Dynamics of collective decisions in a time-dependent environment,
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DNA viewed as an out-of-equilibrium structure,
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Observing classical nucleation theory at work by monitoring phase transitions with molecular precision,
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